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Syracuse, N.Y.-- More than 1,000 distance runners will take to the city's streets during the Syracuse Half Marathon set for March 24. The race will start at 8 a.m. at the Oncenter, and will end there at around noon. The course will take runners through the north, west and south sides of Syracuse, with nine of its full 13.1 miles being within city limits.

Runners can signup online or the the morning of the race, with advance admission at $75 and a race weekend rate of $90. As of Friday, more than 1,100 runners had entered.

Syracuse, N.Y.-- More than 1,000 distance runners will take to the city's streets during the Syracuse Half Marathon set for March 24. The race will start at 8 a.m. at the Oncenter, and will end there at around noon. The course will take runners through the north, west and south sides of Syracuse, with nine of its full 13.1 miles being within city limits.

Runners can signup online or the the morning of the race, with advance admission at $75 and a race weekend rate of $90. As of Friday, more than 1,100 runners had entered.


Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent varius luctus risus, ac euismod eros lobortis eget. Suspendisse eget odio aliquam, fringilla justo sit amet, pharetra dui. Aliquam diam risus, luctus quis erat quis, lobortis ultricies est. Mauris sem enim, mollis et ornare eget, lobortis in odio. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus sed tortor sodales, mattis nisi nec, aliquet enim.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent varius luctus risus, ac euismod eros lobortis eget. Suspendisse eget odio aliquam, fringilla justo sit amet, pharetra dui. Aliquam diam risus, luctus quis erat quis, lobortis ultricies est. Mauris sem enim, mollis et ornare eget, lobortis in odio. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus sed tortor sodales, mattis nisi nec, aliquet enim.

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