Donec suscipit mi ut nisi malesuada aliquam. Morbi ullamcorper interdum laoreet. Vivamus a metus nibh. Morbi ac facilisis quam. Aenean eget est tincidunt sapien dapibus dignissim. Fusce sagittis commodo mollis. Mauris eget augue vitae diam ullamcorper dictum eget sit amet nisl. Mauris sit amet sodales ante, vel fringilla justo.

Weddings come with a host of heavy emotions, especially when your son or daughter is the star of the show. Some moms might be adept at handling stress, while others might teeter closer to meltdown territory. If you know your mom or future MIL might get a little testy, plan to keep your distance.

Weddings come with a host of heavy emotions, especially when your son or daughter is the star of the show. Some moms might be adept at handling stress, while others might teeter closer to meltdown territory. If you know your mom or future MIL might get a little testy, plan to keep your distance. (If you'll be getting your hair and makeup done at 10am, schedule her appointment for noon.) Hang a sign that reads: "Stress-Free Zone: Bride and Bridesmaids Only Beyond This Point" on your hotel suite.

Welcome to your wedding day. With the stress of planning behind you, you might think the big day will be easy-breezy, and it should be -- as long as you can navigate these six potential stress bombs.

MODELS 1 has named 20-year-old Lauren Punter as the winner of their curve supermodel competition. Run in collaboration with ASOS, the competition looked for women aged between 17 and 28, who were a dress size 18-plus, to Instagram an image of themselves with the handle #MakeMeACurveModel - and professional model bookers then chose their winner.

Welcome to your wedding day. With the stress of planning behind you, you might think the big day will be easy-breezy, and it should be -- as long as you can navigate these six potential stress bombs.
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